Is June A Dry Or Wet Month : June is between 80 – 90% a dry month and 10 – 5 % a wet month. Ugandan weather through the year is divided into 2 wet seasons and 2 dry seasons; these seasons are spread out through the different months of the year.

The dry seasons in the country are mostly experienced in the months of June, July and August then later on in the year in the months of December, January and February. The dry seasons in the country are characterised with a lot of sunshine, temperatures up to 33 degrees Celsius sometimes more, heat and dust. The dry seasons in the country are normally harvesting seasons in the country and usually farmers are seen harvesting and selling crops or harvesting and storing the crops. The farmers also use this time to cultivate the lands as they prepare for the rainy seasons.

Apart from the different farming activities that usually take place during the season the dry months are the months most tourists visit the pearl of Africa to experience the beauty of the land. The tourist prefer the dry seasons to visit the land, because they are less interruptions with their itineraries, the sun is out and the weather is lovely to explore the land and the wild. This is a big pro for the tourism industry in the country.

The wet seasons in the country are mostly experienced in the months of March, April and May then later on in the year in the months September, October and November. The wet seasons as the name states are marred with lots of rains – in some areas of the country they cause floods, strong winds, muddy roads and other things. These are planting seasons for the farmers in the country and also the less tourist months in the country.

In these months, though the tourists still visit the country they are few in number and also some safari activities are easily affected by the rains and the winds that dominate the seasons.


June is a dry month, it starts the second and long dry season of the year so it may have mild rains but on a general it’s dry, dry and dry. As it starts since it ends a rainy season, it will have mild rains for the first few days but going it will be all dry with the sun out and blazing.

So, if you are planning to visit the East Africa in June. The second week of June could be the best time for you to visit the country; because we anticipate by then all the rains are gone is its dry going forward.

This though does not mean that the first week is not a good time, actually if the weather is consistent the rains will end on the first of June meaning that each day will be good for a safari.

Is June A Dry Or Wet Month
Is June A Dry Or Wet Month

June is the best month for safari activities especially for those persons planning to have a primate trekking experience either trekking mountain gorillas or chimpanzees, this is the best time to have this trek. Trekking the forest is a long and tedious experience though extremely fun, so if you trekking in warm weather, you don’t get exhausted easily and the trekking terrains are not soggy and not hard, just perfect for an uphill and downhill trek.

That said, all months are great for a safari, it actually depends on which safari activities you would want to do, some activities are actually best done in the rainy seasons  though most are best done in the dry season activities like white water rafting, mountain biking, game viewing and others.

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